Pace Info

Dear Parents of 1st through 12th,

School of Tomorrow refers to each grade as a curriculum level; thus, a student is not categorized as being in a specific conventional (chronological) grade level of work. However, each student will complete 12 paces in six subjects during the academic school year. NOTE: the enclosed chart

Level Pace Number
Level 11001-1012
Level 21013-1024
Level 31025-1036
Level 41037-1048
Level 51049-1060
Level 61061-1072
Level 71073-1084
Level 81085-1096
Level 91097-1108
Level 101109-1120
Level 111121-1132
Level 121133-1144

Throughout the academic year, a student may be working a different level in each of his subjects, depending on his/her ability and accomplishments.  PACEs are marked only with numbers; no grade level is ever used.  High school courses are developed with a vocabulary/concept structure above the 97 level but are not identified for specific levels (grades).  Refer to course description for specific course prerequisites, i.e., Algebra I before Physical Science, Algebra II before Physics.  (See Pastor for a list of prerequisites).